Research Area
Database Systems
Research on data management, query processing and system automation. Recently, we have carried out research including the following.
- Spatio-temporal data management and query processing
- Distributed system
- Automated system tuning
Data Privacy
Organizations collect vast amounts of information on individuals. At the same time, they have access to increasing levels of computational power. Although this conjunction of information and power provides great benefits to society, it also threatens individuals’ privacy. Thus, data privacy and protecting individuals’ anonymity have become mainstream for research. Recently, we have carried out research including the following.
- Differential privacy
- Privacy-preserving maching learning
- Machine unlearning
Deep Learning
Deep learning is a method of artificial intelligence that trains neural networks to process data in ways inspired by the human brain. Deep learning models can recognize complex patterns in pictures, text, sounds, and other data to generate accurate insights and predictions. Recently, we have carried out research including the following.
- Digital health
- Federated learning
- Machine learning for database